Quant 12th DEC

1. The value of 2^-3 + 2^-2 + 2^-1
A. 2^(-6) *7
B. 2^(-3) *6
C. 2^(-3) *7
D. 2^(-3) *3
& so on….


What could not be the possible value of x?
A. 15
B. 11
C. 8
& some other options(less than numerical value 15) were given.

3. If ‘R’ is 30% of ‘S’ and ‘S’ is 40% of ‘T’, then what is the relation between ‘R’ and ‘T’?

4. Given length of hall is 48 feet and width of hall is 10 feet. If it has to be covered by square tiles of length 8 inches and tiles come in packets of 100 tiles, then how many packets have to be brought?


Given a cylinder like above, if radius of the cylinder is 1 and height is 6(not sure), then
Col A: Area of the shaded region
Col B: 5pie

6. If 10 < 2k < 16 and 7 < k+3 < 10, then
Col A: k
Col B: 6

7. Standard Deviation and mean of a set of numbers were given. Even the largest & smallest numbers of the set were also given and question is how many numbers are there in the set?
(similar to this) 


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