Verbal 16th OCT
1. Guffaw(n): a loud, unrestrained burst of laughter; a hearty, boisterous burst of laughter.
Synonyms: belly laugh, deep laugh, howl, howling, laughter, loud laugh, roar, shout, shriek, snort.
2. Sapient(adj): having or showing great wisdom or sound judgment; acutely insightful and wise.
Synonyms: acute, astucious, astute, canny, clear-sighted, clever, contemplative, discerning, discriminating, educated, enlightened, experienced, farsighted, informed, insightful, intelligent, judicious, keen, knowing, knowledgeable, perceptive, reflective, sage, scholarly, sensible, sharp, shrewd, smart, thoughtful, wise.
3. Natty(adj): neatly or trimly smart in dress or appearance; marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners.
Synonyms: neat, chic, dapper, fashionable, jaunty, neat, posh, smart, spruce, tidy, trim.
4. Trenchancy(adj): clearly or sharply defined; effective; energetic; Forceful; Distinct; clear-cut; keenness and forcefulness of thought or expression or intellect; incisive or keen; vigorous; caustic.
Synonyms: sharp, biting, acute
5. Novice(n): a person who is new to the circumstances, work, etc., in which he or she is placed; beginner; tyro; A person who has entered a religious order but has not yet taken final vows; a recent convert to christianity.
Synonyms: amateur, apprentice, beginner, first of May, fledgling, greenhorn, gremlin, know from nothing, learner, neophyte, newcomer, new kid on the block, novitiate, plebe, postulant, prentice, probationer, proselyte, pupil, recruit, rookie, starter, student, trainee.
6. Pretend(adj): to appear falsely; to make believe; to cause or attempt to cause (what is not so) to seem so; to allege or profess, esp. insincerely or falsely; counterfeit.
Synonyms:affected, affectional, barmecidal, bogus, disingenuous, hypocritical, ostensible, ostensive, pretended, quasi, self-styled, sham, simulated, so-called; simulate, fake, sham, counterfeit.
7. Illicit(adj): not legally permitted or authorized; unlicensed; unlawful; disapproved of or not permitted for moral or ethical reasons;
Not sanctioned by custom or law; unlawful;Improperly formed; ungrammatical; contrary to accepted morality.
Synonyms: adulterous, black-market, clandestine, contraband, contrary to law, criminal, crooked, felonious, furtive, guilty, illegal, illegitimate, immoral, improper, in violation of law, lawless, out of line, prohibited, racket, unauthorized, unlawful, unlicensed, wrong, wrongful.
Antonyms: blessed, good, legal, legitimate, licit, moral, noble, proper, right.
8. Brazenness(adj): shameless or impudent; made of brass, like brass, as in sound, color, or strength; to face boldly or shamelessly; Having a loud, usually harsh, resonant sound; Marked by flagrant and insolent audacity.
Synonyms: assumption, audaciousness, audacity, boldness, brashness, cheek, cheekiness, chutzpah, discourtesy, disrespect, effrontery, face, familiarity, forwardness, gall, impertinence, impudency, incivility, insolence, nerve, nerviness, overconfidence, pertness, presumptuousness, pushiness, rudeness, sassiness, sauciness.
9. Cogitate(v): to think about; to think hard; ponder; meditate; To take careful thought or think carefully about; consider carefully and deeply; reflect upon; turn over in one's mind; use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments.
Synonyms: Cerebrate, chew the cud, conceive, consider, contemplate, deliberate, envisage, envision, figure, flash on, imagine, meditate, mull over, muse, noodle around, ponder, reason, reflect, ruminate, speculate, stew over.
Antonyms: ignore.
10. Propensity(n): a natural inclination or tendency; favorable disposition or partiality; an innate inclination; a tendency; The quality or state of being propense; disposition to do good or evil; bias; bent; tendency.
Synonyms: ability, aptness, bias, capacity, competence, disposition, flash, inclining, leaning, liability, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, proneness, susceptibility, sweet tooth, talent, tendency, yen.
Antonyms:antipathy, disinclination, dislike, hate.
11. Succinct(adj): expressed in few words;compressed into a small area, scope, or compass; Characterized by clear, precise expression in few words; briefly giving the gist of something.
Synonyms: blunt, boiled down, breviloquent, brusque, compact, compendiary, compendious, concise, condensed, curt, cut to the bone, in a nutshell, in few words, laconic, pithy, short, summary, terse
Antonyms: lengthy, long-winded, wordy.
12. Slovenly(adj): untidy or unclean in appearance or habits;untidy or unclean in appearance or habits; negligent of neatness especially in dress and person; habitually dirty and unkempt.
Synonyms: bedraggled, botched, careless, dingy, disheveled, disorderly, dowdy, grody, grubby, heedless, loose, messed up, messy, mussy, negligent, raunchy, seedy, slack, slapdash, slipshod, sloppy, tacky, topsy-turvy, unfastidious, unkempt, unthorough, untidy.
Antonyms: clean, ordered, organized.
13. Dapper(adj): lively and brisk; neat; trim; smart; small and active; Very stylish in dress.
Synonyms: bandbox, brisk, chic, chichi, classy, clean, dainty, dashing, doggy, dressed to kill, dressed to nines, jaunty, natty, nice, nifty, nimble, nobby, posh, prim, rakish, ritzy, sassy, sharp, showy, smart, snug, spiff, spiffy, spruce, spry, stylish, swank, swanky, swell, trim, turned out, well turned out.
Antonyms: dirty, dishevelled, ruffled, rumpled, scruffy, shabby, sloppy, tousled, ungroomed, wrinkled.
14. Redress(n): the setting right of what is wrong; relief from wrong or injury; compensation or satisfaction for a wrong or injury; To make amends for; to adjust; correction or reformation.
Synonyms: aid, amendment, amends, assistance, atonement, balancing, change, conciliation, correction, cure, ease, indemnity, justice, offsetting, payment, quittance, recompense, rectification, reestablishment, reformation, rehabilitation, relief, remedy, remission, remodeling, renewal, repair, reparation, reprisal, requital, restitution, retribution, return, revision, reward, reworking, satisfaction, vengeance
Antonyms: hurt, injury.
15. Variable(adj): capable of being varied or changed; alterable; inconstant; fickle; having much variation or diversity.
Synonyms: capricious, changeful, fickle, fitful, flexible, fluctuating, fluid, iffy*, inconstant, irregular, mercurial, mobile, mutable, protean, shifting, shifty, slippery*, spasmodic, temperamental, ticklish, uncertain, unequable, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, vacillating, volatile, waffling, wavering.
Antonyms: invariable, unchangeable, unchanging, unvarying
16. Vehement(adj): strongly emotional; intense or passionate; marked by great energy or exertion; strenuous; zealous; ardent; impassioned;characterized by rancor or anger; violent; Marked by or full of vigor or energy; strong.
Synonyms: angry, ardent, concentrated, delirious, desperate, eager, earnest, emphatic, enthusiastic, exquisite, fervent, fervid, fierce, fiery, forceful, forcible, frantic, furious, hearty, heated, hopped up, hyper, impassioned, impetuous, inflamed, intense, lively, on the make, potent, powerful, pronounced, rabid, strong, terrible, vicious, violent, wild, zealous.
Antonyms: apathetic, indifferent, impassionate.
17. Malodorous (adj): having an unpleasant or offensive odor; smelling bad; foul; having an unpleasant smell.
Synonyms: bad, decayed, decomposed, fetid, foul, frowzy, fusty, infested, lousy, mephitic, musty, nasty, nauseating, noisome, noxious, offensive, pestilential, poisonous, polluted, putrid, rancid, rank, reeking, rotten, smelly, stale, stenchful, stinking, strong, tainted, vile.
Antonyms: aromatic, fragrant, perfumed, savory, sweet.
1. Carelessness: Recklessness
2. Malodorous: Scent
5:16 AM
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