Data Analysis

***The sales and profit data of two companies A and B are given in the following chart, based on the data answer the questions that follow. ( Q 1 – 10)


1 Total sales of company A is?
a. 1706
b. 1708
c. 1710
d. 1712

2 Total sales of company B is?
a. 1875
b. 1860
c. 1880
d. 1884

3 Total profit of company A is ?
a. 380
b. 382
c. 384
d. 386

4 Total profit of company B is?
a. 297
b. 298
c. 299
d. 300

5 Profit percentage for company A for the six months is?
a. 22.39
b. 22.17
c. 22.89
d. 22.19

6 Profit percentage for company B for the six months is?
a. 15.54
b. 15.67
c. 15.87
d. 15.78

7 Average sales per month for company A is?
a. 284.11
b. 284.33
c. 284.56
d. 285.14

8 Average profit for month for company B is?
a. 49.83
b. 49.38
c. 49.22
d. 49.11

9 The profit percentage for first quarter for company A is ? ( Jan-Mar )
a. 23.16
b. 23.44
c. 23.93
d. 23.39

10 The profit percentage for second quarter for company B is? ( Apr-Jun)
a. 15.73
b. 15.37
c. 15.32
d. 15.23

***The data for a company is given in the Chart and in the table. Answer the questions based on the statistics provided.(10-12)


CSR(Amount) R&D as percentage of Sales Attrition(No of Employees / Annum)
1999 10 2 20
2000 15 2.52 30
2001 25 1.18 25
2002 32 3.54 40
2003 38 4.12 100
2004 62 3.56 20
2005 72 4.56 30
2006 84 3.86 30
2007 86 4.22 20
2008 95 3.92 10

11.what is the average CSR spending for the given years.
a. 51.5
b. 51.9
c. 51.4
d. 51.3

12.What is the average sale / annum?
a. 1166.8
b. 1177.1
c. 1177.3
d. 1177.9

13.What is the average R&D percent / annum?
a. 3.35
b. 3.30
c. 3.45
d. 3.40

14.What is the average attrition / annum?
a. 32.3
b. 32.5
c. 32.4
d. 32.9

15.what is the range of attrition?
a. 90
b. 80
c. 85
d. 95

16.In 2003 what is the R&D spend amount?
a. 4.12
b. 45.77
c. 45.34
d. 120

17.What is the total amount spent on CSR in all 10 years?
a. 515
b. 517
c. 519
d. 521

18.Amount spent on R&D is maximum in which year?
a. 2004
b. 2005
c. 2007
d. 2008

19.CSR as percentage of sales is maximum in?
a. 2004
b. 2006
c. 2007
d. 2008

20.Range of R&D percentage is?
a. 3.34
b. 3.35
c. 3.38
d. 3.42

***Answer questions 21-25 based on figure below?
The amount spent on food and gas is given on Y – Axis in INR.


21.What is the total amount spent on Food?
a. 95
b. 96
c. 97
d. 98

22.What is the total amount spent on Gas?
a. 96
b. 97
c. 98
d. 99

23.What is the amount spent on Food and gas in Jan – Mar period?
a. 106
b. 108
c. 110
d. 112

24.What is the amount spent on Food and gas in Apr – June period?
a. 86
b. 87
c. 88
d. 89

25.The range of gas is?
a. 19
b. 20
c. 21
d. 22


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